Ever heard of Facebook AdWords? Social media has become an integral part of business growth today. If your business does not have a presence on social media, it may lose out on customers. This is the reason that you find even the smallest of brands trying to leverage social advertisements and engagement to boost their reach and conversions, especially on Facebook.

Many businesses today find themselves asking; do Facebook ads work? Do you know that as early as June 2017, Facebook was able to attract about 2 billion monthly active users? That is to tell you how effective Facebook is. It is clear that Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites in the world at large.

Facebook AdWords

Until recently, so many advertisers viewed Google AdWords and Facebook AdWords in an adversarial way. Both companies’ rivalry, often displayed through technology and media materials was taken as evidence that both platforms were in direct competition with one another. Although both platforms are often positioned as competitors, and nothing could be further from the truth in a practical sense.

AdWords Review

So many business owners and marketers out there want to adopt the use of Google ads or Facebook ads, in order to achieve maximum visibility, in increasing leads and sales and finding new customers, adopting different strategies that align with the functionality of both platforms and as well seeing a remarkable return on their advertising spend.

Long before Facebook offers marketers and advertisers a place for them to promote their services and products, there was AdWords Google service. It was widely adopted that it becomes synonymous with PPC marketing, and then came Facebook. So many people tend to debate on the supremacy of each platform’s strengths in order to enhance your marketing efforts.

Facebook Ads

When you have Facebook AdWords campaigns that are highly targeted, you can just go ahead and retarget them on Facebook. This is how you can do it.

  • Create ad sets with top converting keywords and tag the ads with the URM parameters
  • Then head over to Facebook and create a custom audience based on URL
  • The URL should contain the UTM tags of the campaign. However, it depends on the product or service that you promote and the type and number of conversions
  • You can adjust the duration accordingly up to 180 days
  • Make sure it excludes purchasers
  • Then take a step further create a one percent lookalike audience and create ads targeting them on Facebook. Since they are similar to people lower in the conversion funnel, they are very likely to convert.

What to do in this case? You have to create more lookalikes and make sure to exclude them so that they won’t overlap.

Facebook Ads Target Audience

Thinking about how you can reach your customers using this tool? Follow the steps below.

  • Create a Facebook campaign targeting specific interests and make sure that you tag the ads accordingly
  • You can mix and match the interest in a way the final audience will make sense for your business but the audience size should be relatively big.
  • The head over to the Google analytics and create a remarketing list. you can as well use this list and apply it to your Google AdWords ad groups

You can take a step further. Besides interest, you can use behaviors in a creative way.

  • You can target people who work in the law sector or any of other sectors in search or display placements and show them your software
  • You can as well target ex-pats living in the country you operate in and offer them their home products and services to people who are lower in the conversion funnel, right there in their inbox.

These are the guidelines for you to reach out to customers with Facebook AdWords.


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