How to Get High-Quality Backlinks? Are you looking to build your links, so you’re looking for high-quality backlinks? Noting the numerous algorithm updates, link building still remains one of the strongest ranking signals used by search engines.

How to Get High-Quality Backlinks

For you to find effective link-building strategies that deliver results, read this article to the end. This article will provide proven techniques to get high-quality backlinks that will help you stay ahead of the competition and rank higher in SERPs.

How To Get High-Quality Backlinks

If you wish to increase your website’s authority and rank higher than your competitors in search engine result pages (SERPs), you will need to build authority backlinks on a consistent basis. Read on to find tips on how to get high-quality backlinks;

  • Post-Evergreen Content

Natural links (also known as editorial links) are the kinds of links Google wants you to build. Evergreen content is content that stays relevant in the long run. Unlike news articles and posts on trending topics (posts on Fortnite, Pokemon Go, etc.), evergreen posts give value to the readers a long time after the post was originally published.

However, evergreen posts don’t just tend to rank higher on Google, but they also attract a high number of backlinks. That is to say, evergreen content is link-worthy content—it’s the type of content that attracts editorial links.

how to create evergreen content- Follow these three steps to create evergreen content.

  • Find keywords with a decent search volume.
  • Create 10x content: Once you’ve identified the keywords you’d like to target in your post, you need to make sure your content is actually 10 times better than the highest ranking search result for the keywords.
  • Refresh and relaunch – Just because the post is evergreen and ranked in the top 3 search results, there’s no guarantee it will maintain that status in the long run. So keep updating the content.

However, for you to attract high-quality natural links, post evergreen blog posts that stay relevant long after you’ve published them.

  • Steal Your Competitors’ Backlinks

In some cases, your evergreen content may not be able to generate authoritative links naturally, or even if it does, it may take a long time to do so. In such cases, without backlinks, you may be able to rank on the first page for your target keywords, but you’ll find it tough to reach the coveted top 3 spots on Google. To beat your competitors in the SERPs, you must steal their best backlinks.

  • Build Backlinks with Infographics.

Infographics can also improve your SEO significantly and increase web traffic. Websites that publish infographics see their traffic grow an average of 12% more than sites that don’t. However, infographics are remarkably effective in generating high-quality backlinks for free. Moreover, you don’t need to be a professional designer either. And with free online design tools like Canva, Venngage, and Piktochart, you can create fancy infographics in a matter of minutes.

Alternatively, to set up beautiful infographics, you can outsource it by hiring professional designers on sites such as Fiverr, and Upwork, or if you have a bigger budget, Design Pickle. The moment your infographic is up and ready, it’s time to promote it. Do the following:

  • Submit your infographic to infographic submission sites.
  • Reach out to bloggers in your niche and offer them the infographic for free as a guest post.
  • Use Siege Media’s Embed Code Generator to generate an embed code for your infographic.

Siege Media’s Embed Code Generator allows you to generate embed codes for your infographic. After generating the code, all you need to do is copy and paste the code below your infographic.

  • Use Reverse Image Search to Build Backlinks

If you have a good amount of visual content on your blog (infographics, screenshots, charts, etc.), there is a high chance that someone on the Internet is using your images without giving proper link attribution. To resolve this issue and get a backlink in return, do this;

  • Launch a new Google Sheet and list down the URLs of all the important visual assets on your site.
  • Use Google Image Search to locate the websites that are using your images without attribution. Type in the image URL in the Google search box and then tap on ‘Search by Image’ to find all the websites which are using your image in the “Pages that include matching images” section of the search.
  • Then, send an email to the site owner requesting a link attribution for using your image on their site.


  • Create An Interactive Content

Interactive content like quizzes, polls, and calculators generates a lot of buzz on the Internet these days. Buzzfeed exemplifies this trend more. Quizzes are not just popular with users, but they also tend to generate thousands of authority backlinks. Moreover, there are several tools on the web (like Outgrow) that can help you create your own quizzes and calculators.

  • Begin Your Own Podcast

You can set up your link profile by being invited as a special guest on any of the popular podcasts in your niche. However, the best option is for you to devise a strategy for launching your own podcast.

If you have your own podcast, you’ll have more creative control over your content. You don’t need to waste time sending outreach emails to podcasters in your niche and waiting for their response.

  • Get Active on Product Hunt

Product Hunt is a place to discover the latest technological creations, websites, mobile apps, and tools that everyone is geeking about.

To get a backlink from Product Hunt, you need to set up an account on Product Hunt, link to your website, and then be active on the site. You can get started by writing reviews for products you’ve used, leaving your comments on newly launched products, and, of course, by upvoting and downvoting products on a regular basis.

Other Tips To Get Quality Backlinks

  • Create a Crunchbase Account
  • Use Brian Dean’s Moving Man Method
  • Find Backlinks from “Best of” Blog Posts
  • Submit Your Site to the Blog Aggregators
  • Publish Your Content to Medium and LinkedIn
  • Link Roundups
  • Republish Your Content on Steemit.
  • Email Outreach to People Featured on Your Blog
  • Repurpose Your Quora Spaces Articles
  • Make and Improve Your About. me Page

Build authoritative links with HARO (Help A Reporter Out).

  • it Backlinks: Scoop. It is a site where people aggregate their favorite content from around the web into a magazine format. It’s also an excellent place to get high-quality “nofollow” backlinks and boost your referral traffic.
  • Provide Testimonials
  • Link Reclamation
  • Broken Link Building
  • Submit Your Site to CSS Galleries

These are proven methods of getting high-quality backlinks for your website.

How do I get High-Quality Backlinks?

To Get High-Quality Backlinks in 2022, do this:

  • Become a source for reporters and bloggers.
  • Publish “Skyscraper” Content.
  • Build Links From Outdated Resources.
  • Use Content Formats Proven to Generate Links.
  • Publish Ultimate Guides.
  • Use branded strategies and techniques.

What are High-Quality Backlinks?

A quality backlink is a link that comes from a high domain authority site that is well-trusted by search engines and searchers alike.

How many Backlinks do I need to rank?

The number of backlinks you need goes up at a faster rate than the difficulty rating. For instance, if a keyword has a difficulty of 10, you probably need about 10 backlinks to rank. But if it has a difficulty of 50, you may need 100 backlinks to rank.

Are Backlinks still important in 2022?

Yes, backlinks are important in 2022, but they shouldn’t be your only strategy. While backlinks are not the only ranking factor, they’re still very important. The major difference is in how you should be going about getting sites to link through to your content.


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