Lyft Application Login – One of the most important things you need to know as a Lyft driver is to know how to log into your Lyft Account. If you do not log into your Lyft account you cannot access your weekly payment or even access your daily schedule. Therefore it is very necessary to understand the Lyft account login process to make working for Lyft a thing of joy.

Lyft Application Login

Lyft Application Login

Before you will be able to apply to become a Lyft driver you must have already downloaded the Lyft application and created an account. This account that you created is not just for showing it is what is going to help you during your work with Lyft. So this article will teach you the steps necessary to log in to your Lyft account and also how to register an account if you do not have one.

Lyft Account Login – Lyft Accounts

To access your account and get the important details for the day including where to take passengers, access your monthly pay, maps and more you need to log in to your account. That is on the side of the drivers but only customers and Lyft passengers also need to have access to their accounts. As a Lyft passenger, you need a Lyft ride account which will give you access to call for Lyft rides.

Drivers need to log into their Lyft accounts to find passengers on the other hand passengers need to log in to their accounts to call for a ride. But if you do not know how to access your account how then are you going to get in touch with your passenger or with your driver? This is why it is necessary to know the steps involved in assessing or logging in to your account.

How to Login to your Lyft Account

As a driver or a passenger to make use of this service you must have already created an account with the company using the official website if you already have an account the only thing left for you to do is simply know how to access it, which means logging in. To log in, your Lyft account follows the below procedure:

  • Launch any browser on your device.
  • On the browser head over to
  • When the site is fully loaded tap on the menu button
  • Now select or tap on login.
  • Enter your username on the required field.
  • Also, enter your password.
  • Finally, click on the login button.

Lyft Mobile Application – Lyft App

Login to your live account using the website is quite a tedious process as you have seen above. This is why I lift made it easy by providing an application that you can simply tap to open. However, before you can tap to open and access your Lyft account the need to download and log in to your account. You can use the list application to create an account and also apply to become a driver.

Any form of information you want to access from your Lyft account can simply be accessed using the lift mobile application easy. Once you have already logged in to your account you just simply need to tap to open and skip the log-in process using the application. Accessing the Google Play Store or the Apple app store you can download and install the lift application for both drivers and passengers.

How to download the Lyft application and log in to your Account

Before you would be able to log in to your account to access it using the application if first of all needed to be downloaded on your device. After downloading you can now log in to your account or create one if you did not have one. Follow the below process to download and log in to your Lyft account using the application:

  • Launch the app store or Play Store depending on the device you use.
  • Tap on the search bar.
  • Now search and download the Lyft application.
  • Launch the application after downloading it.
  • Select login.
  • Finally, enter your username and password and click on the login button.

When you have logged in to your account using the Lyft application, next time you will not need to log in to your account just again just simply need to open the app.

How to Sign Up to Ride on

Since the article started we have been talking about how you would be able to log in to your Lyft account. It is now time for us to dwell on how to create a Lyft account so that you can start your application process. Follow the blue procedure to create your Lyft account:

  • Open any browser on your device.
  • Using log onto the lift website
  • Now tap on sign up.
  • Enter your name and your mobile number.
  • Click on continue.

To finish creating your account all you need to do is continue following the on-screen instructions that are displayed.

People also ask

How do I log into my Lyft account?

Login to your Lyft account is easy you can do that in two ways. You can log into your live account using the website or you can download and install the application on your device to access your account.

All you need to do is simply visit the Lyft website and tap on the login button or simply download the application and log in. The current procedures to log in to your account and listed in this article all you have to do are scroll up.

Why can’t I log into my Lyft account?

If you are logging in to the Lyft application for the first time you will be sent a code to your phone number which you need to enter into the application to log in. You need to enter the code correctly in order to successfully access your account. There are still other reasons you might not be able to sign in to your account one of them is if it has been banned.

How do you get my old Lyft account back?

All old Lyft drivers can get their accounts back after a long time of not being in use. To do this you need to open the website and swipe right from the phone number text field. Once you have done that now double-tap on find my account. From there you can recover your account through your email address by entering it into the box.


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