What are the dos and don’ts of social media? Social media can be a great tool or even a place depending on how you go about your business making use of it. But whichever is your purpose of making use of any of the social media platforms available at your disposal, there are laid down rules and regulations to help you get the best out of them.

The Dos And Don’ts Of Social Media

In other words, there are the dos and don’ts of social media platforms. And in this article, I will be exploring these dos and don’ts with you. You literally don’t have to do much to get the information here; all you need to do is to continue reading this piece.


The Dos And Don’ts Of Social Media

Social media platforms can be a great tool and place when and if utilized properly. Social media platforms also can be daunting when utilized in the wrong way. Also, social media platforms as you should have known by now can be used for personal and business use.

In this article, however, I will be focusing more on the business usage of these social media platforms. Social media platforms can be overwhelming if you are new to them. I mean there are a whole lot of things to do with them that you simply may not know where to start from.

As a business brand these days, every customer expects you to have a social media presence. It is very important. These customers see it as the best way to keep in touch with their brand. And if you are not having one it can be deteriorating to your business. But however, having a social media presence is not enough to make your business stand out from the crowd or keep your business afloat.

You need to know how to make use of these social media platforms or your presence on them properly in order to get the result you want with the rules in the form of dos and don’ts of social media platforms hopefully you get to learn a thing or two on how to bets get the best out of your social media presence today.


Set Your Goals And Objectives

You don’t just set goals and objectives on social media platforms, but you have got to make sure they are clear and also know your stance on them. There is a lot you can do with social media platforms obviously. You, however, need to pinpoint the areas you want for your business and work on them and this is where the goals and objectives come in.

Analyze And Track Activity Around Your Brand

Since you have already set out our goals and objectives regarding your business on any given social media platform, it is advisable that you should have a system in place to help you track your activity and results to know if you are anywhere close to achieving your set goals and objectives.

There are platforms online that can help you track your activity on social media platforms and there is also the built-in analytics tool on these social media platforms also. These tools can help you track everything from engagements to traffic, revenue, and a whole lot more. you should try them out as most of these tools are free to use.

Keep Your Branding Consistent

This is one place most businesses on social media platforms get it completely wrong. You can be one thing outside social media platforms as a business and be a whole different thing on these social media platforms. No, it doesn’t work like that. You have got to stay consistent. You cannot afford to mislead or confuse customers.

Imagine having a Facebook page with a different business logo, name, or scheme colour from what you were known with. Things like this can dissuade customers and potential clients. So please desist from it.


Avoid Over Posting

Yes, it is good to make good posts and do it as often as you can. But something you shouldn’t do is to overdo it or over a post. When your customers feel like you are bugging them too much with your posts they become irritated.

Overposting on social media platforms can be as harmful as not even posting at all. According to stats, 46% of social media users will unfollow a brand that posts too many promotional messages on their profiles. With this, you, therefore, need to slow down on your output so as not to lose customers and potential clients. Don’t know how often to post, here is a post frequency recommendation for you.

  • Facebook and LinkedIn – a post per day.
  • Instagram – 1 -2 posts per day.
  • Pinterest – 11 pins daily.
  • Twitter – 15 tweets per day.

These are my recommendations for you based on reliable sources in the field.

Avoid Engagement Bait Tactics

At first promotional posts that will make people engage with a post on social media platforms by liking and sharing on a said post was it, but not anymore. Customers are not just into it anymore. And as a brand on a social media platform, you should avoid posts like this. Social media users see posts such as this as spammy and are reporting them, therefore if you are thinking of implementing tactics like this don’t.

Do Not Use All Social Media Platforms For The Sake Of It

There are lots of social media platforms in the world today. And each of these social media platforms differs from each others. This simply means that your brand will fare differently with each type of social media platform.

it may be tempting to set up profiles on many social media platforms, but you should avoid this. You shouldn’t set up an account so as to get a presence there. There should be more to it. And it should be in the interest of your brand not only in the present but in the long run.


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