Are you getting confused about the date of Easter? Or you don’t know when is easter. In this article we will be giving the basic required information you to know about easter, when will be easter and how the easter date is determined.

When Easter

but let’s make it clear not everyone knows the true meaning of Easter, some people celebrate easter because they were born to see people celebrating easter but they don’t really know the meaning. Now in this article, we got you to cover everything you need to know about easter. All you need to do is to read carefully.

In many streams of Christianity, this is more important than Christmas. Why? Because it celebrates Jesus ‘divinity and the purpose of his coming to the earth. The Easter holiday commemorates Jesus’ resurrection from the dead and His promise of eternal life to everyone who believes in him.

When Easter 

When Easter. It is one of the principal holidays, or feasts, of Christianity. It marks the resurrection of Jesus three days after death by crucifixion. For a lot of Christian churches, Easter is the joyful end to the Lenten season of fasting and penitence.

This is a declaration of what Christians believe that Jesus Christ came to earth, died for the sins of humanity, and conquer the powers of death through his resurrection. It is a yearly celebration of miracles and the hope of believers in their life in Christ. But in this article, we will give you the basic required information you need to know about easter.

When is Easter? – When is Easter this year?

It can happen to anyone else, not everyone knows or remember the date of easter. The thing is it does not have a particular day for its celebration the date is determined by some factors, which I will be educating you about in this article.

This year it will be observed on Sunday 17th of April. Of course, it is not like other festive or celebration periods that have a major date everyone celebrates, like Christmas and the new year. This is a movable feast, so it doesn’t happen on the same date from year to year. The date is more climatical than religion, even if it was in the bible. But there is no specific selection of dates by the church to celebrate Easter.

How is the Easter date determined?

Now, this is how the easter date is determined. Specifically, it is celebrated on the first Sunday following the full moon that occurs on or just after the spring equinox. What we should have in mind is that easter’s exact date varies so much because it actually depends on the moon. The holiday is set to coincide with the first Sunday after the paschal full moon, and the first full moon after the vernal equinox.

The moon’s cycles played an important role in ancient times, and it remains the way the date of Jewish holidays is determined, including Passover. Eventually, Christians observe this during the same time as Passover, with easy celebrations occurring on the first Sunday after the first full moon of spring.

What are Other Holidays Related to Holy week?

Below are some other holidays that are related to the holy week.

  • Palm Sunday (the Sixth Sunday of Lent).
  • Holy Monday and Holy Tuesday.
  • Holy Wednesday (Spy Wednesday).
  • Maundy Thursday.
  • Good Friday.
  • Holy Saturday (Black Saturday).
  • Easter Vigil.
  • Easter Day.

Above are some of the other holidays that are related to the holy week


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